(Theatre nomad: a person in the theatre and/or entertainment field who travels from city to city and job to job with no real ties to one place; see also: independent contractor and ways to disappoint your parents.)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Self-Deprecating Title

Wah, wah, wah. I suck at blogging. Shut up and quit whining about it, why don't you?

I actually have some future topics I'd like to update the world on, but tonight I'm just too lazy. So why am I blogging at all? Because I spent the last hour reading other blogs while I wait for Aerosmith to get off work and wander over. I have a horribly impulse-buy like personality: if I see it, I want it. If you have pizza, I want pizza. If I'm reading a blog, I suddenly want to write one.

Anyway...only about a month left of this burst of employment. For the first time in my life I don't have a plan and I am not frantically scrambling to find one. I don't have a job lined up after this. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know ANYTHING. I think when it's time to leave, I'm just going to drive west and see what happens.

I think I'm actually kind of sick of the nomad thing right now. I want an apartment. I want a couch. I want all my stuff to NOT fit in my car. I want to hang up my Opus shadow box. I do not want to settle down permanently. I do not want children. I do not want a husband (or a wife for that matter). I do not want pets. I just want some stability.

Speaking of children...I reiterated my vow to never have children to the girls in my cast today and Marisa was astounded. She said she just can't understand someone who doesn't want to have kids. Kelsey thinks I'm going to change my mind. Daily, I am surrounded by girls who have sisters and stable parents and want families of their own. How am I ever supposed to connect with them when we have so little in common at the fundamental, core value level?