(Theatre nomad: a person in the theatre and/or entertainment field who travels from city to city and job to job with no real ties to one place; see also: independent contractor and ways to disappoint your parents.)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


It's sunshiny out today. Still cold. Ah, winter.

I have opened up this page a dozen times since 1/1/11, but I haven't had anything to write about. I had a couple things I was going to rant about, a few to complain about, but when I actually put my fingers to keys, I realized I had nothing to say.

Awful feeling.

Really though, nothing much has been happening lately. I've settled into something of a routine. I call this my mid-winter break. The last couple years I've been working steady from April-Dec/Jan and that can be rough. Right after college, I went almost 2 years with just a week off. That was stupid. So now, I take breaks when I can.

A minor gripe: some of my actor friends freak out when I tell them I'm not working on a show right now AND that I'm okay with it. They don't get that it's okay to not constantly be in rehearsal/performance. And, not to say that what I do is harder than an actor, but for me-stage managing can be pretty emotionally draining and I know I have to not do it for a little while at a time. Recharge. Or else, I go into an emotional tailspin and want to crawl into a hole and die. (Houston, anyone?)

All right. Done. So that's it. I'm biding my time right now. Checking BSJ and Playbill occasionally for job postings, but the day job is pretty good for me now. Life is pretty good. Dare I say it. I like NYC.

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